Sunday, May 31, 2020
Depression Essay - 550 Words
Depression (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Cause:Date:Title: Common Symptoms and Causes of Depression and How to Deal with itThesis: Depression is a condition majorly related to biological and social risk factors.Definition of depressionThe definition of depression depends on the context in the discussion. For an instant, in economic aspects, depression is referred to as decline in both economic and business activities. On the other hand, health specialists describe depression as a feeling of low self-esteem, low moods and a lack of interest in activities perceived to be enjoyable. It's regarded as a long-lasting state in which one is either mentally unfit or suffers from a mental disorder. Gilbert (3) estimates that approximately 100 million individuals across the globe suffer from the malady.Principles of examining depression: These principles involve the technique of determining depression among individuals; the social and biological causes and risk factors; and the methods that patients emp loy in dealing with depression. Medical practitioners diagnose depression through the examination of the symptoms (Gotlib and Constance 613).Causes of depressionModern medical technology has helped mental health specialists to evaluate depression among people. The use of an instrument that measures electrical activity in the retina is vital. It shows that the retinas of depressed people do not respond as strongly to certain kinds of visual stimuli as the retinas of people who are not depressed (Klein and Paul 4). The risk factors and causes of depression are divided into two major categories: biological and social risk factors. The biological risk factors entail factors such as genes, chemical imbalance and gender. They can not only initiate but also develop depression. Chemical imbalance (decreases or increases of chemical compounds) can promote depression.Determination of diagnosis of depressionThe diagnosis of the depression entails the determination of the cause and the risk fac tors of the condition. For an instant, if it is as a result of the chemical imbalance, then the patient may use antidepressants to balance these chemicals.Gender as biological risk factor explains why women are 50% more likely to suffer from depression than men. Males have a different risk to get depressed than females in that they have half chances of getting depression than women do. Depression in women can be as a result of pregnancy or the menstrual cycle with the prevalence being high during pregnancy.Second, social risk factors such as financial problems, loneliness, bad events and social statuses can also initiate and develop depression. Depressed patients may be victims of economic decline. Nevertheless, being socially active can reduce the risks of getting depression because sharing feelings with others can act as a buffer. The other factors are the death of a family member; bad experiences, such as losing a job; and parental divorce might cause family members to be depress ed (Chan et al. 46).Dealing with depressionIt depends on the causative factor. The chemical imbalance can be assessed by a psychiatrist by prescribing medications such as an antidepressant. Some psychotherapy and social activities can also reduce the risks (Leventhal and David 209). Moreover, religious participation, individual's religious devotion, as well volunteerism may lower the rates of depression, especially in later life. Besides, marriage can also lower the risk in the discussion....
Monday, May 18, 2020
Security Plan - 3820 Words
Introduction The purpose of this security plan is to elicit the potential threats to an organisation physical and electronic information holdings. Organisations in general are starting to take information security more sincerely due to the proliferation of mobile services, VPN connections, terrorism and natural disasters. We must however acknowledge that this very technology advancement is regarded as efficient but is also leading to a higher level of security risks. These risks must be mitigated to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets. (The SANS Institute. 2007) The security team would like to report the following threats to the organisations physical and electronic information holdings†¦show more content†¦Effective Cooling / Notification systems The server rooms should also be adequately equipped with air-conditioning as well as sensors and monitoring systems to detect any failures. A server overheating can cause a fire and this could lead to various other threats to an organisations information assets. Backups A company must ensure that their data is backed up and also need to verify that the backed up data can be restored and stored in a save location. Incident Response Management A computer incident security response team (CISRT) together with incident response management will ensure a company can recover from a incident and continue normal services. Malicious Code, including viruses, worms and Trojans Digital attacks , mainly in the form of DOS denial of service through the use of malicious code, viruses, worms, Trojans and many more are a threat to an organisations information portal. Outsourcing Development and Support To remain competitive, the organisation should mitigate security threats when acquiring, outsourced development and support staff including implementation of host software applications. Software Development Methodologies Software development needs to be analysed and examined internally, and also to prevent any threats to our information the business should ensure theShow MoreRelatedSecurity Plan1490 Words  | 6 PagesThe Security Plan Ashley Barker Introduction to Security Instructor Collins November 9, 2012 This assignment will be on the Clifton Liquor Store located in Clifton, Colorado. This essay will explain the entire floor plan of the store. Moving forward we will discuss the threats and evaluate the risk of each threat. We will point out the times in which the store is most vulnerable for each threat as well as counter-measures for each threat. We will then discuss the security measures the liquorRead MoreThe Security Plan1468 Words  | 6 PagesThe Security Plan April Woolsey CJS/250 William Whitlach The purpose of this document is to show the security plan and layout of the Sappers Credit Union. The purpose of the credit union is to promote thrift and provide credit to members. The primary purpose in ensuring their goal of service is to encourage members to save money as well as offer loans to members. Sappers Credit Union serves several functions. They provide financial support to members through means of issuing and keepingRead MoreSecurity Plan For Cyber Security1496 Words  | 6 Pagescyber defence strategies 2007 – 2010. Cyber Security Strategy Date Implemented Action Plan to Fight Cyber Attacks July 2007 Revised Implementation Plan 2007 – 2008 of the Estonian Information Society Strategy 2013 September 2007 Cyber Security Strategy May 2008 Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence 2008 Cyber Security Council May 2009 Emergency Act June 2009 Estonian Informatics Centre 2009 Cyber Defense League 2010 National Security Concept May 2010 Table 2.2 Estonian Cyber DefenceRead MoreSecurity Policies And The Security Plan1441 Words  | 6 PagesSecurity Policies The critical factor of network development is security planning. Without doing a full hazard appraisal, it is unrealistic to get ready for security. This security arranging includes creating security policies and executing controls to keep PC dangers from getting to be reality. Figure 7 : Security Plan Every organization is distinctive and should arrange and make policiesRead MorePrivate Security/Security Plan1383 Words  | 6 PagesJavier Sierra Private Security 8/3/2011 My Security Plan There are approximately 800 employees employed at The ABC Valve Plant for prevention of theft and pilferage by means of personnel screening, background investigations, procedural controls, and polygraph and psychological stress evaluator investigations will be mandatory for employment and security purposes. Once hired all employees must check in with fingerprints to clock in to work this will prevent any intruders into the premises. WhenRead MoreA Report On The Security Plan871 Words  | 4 Pageskind of plan will encompasses in more than just a method for the most promptly it needs to make sure that they will tell the victims of what are going to happen over the security breach event. The effective that the breach is going to make sure that all the people know what is going .It must be a part of the comprehensive information of the security plan. This plan has three components they are critical in the notification plan †¢ Risk assessment The organization’s information security plan of actionRead MoreComprehensive Security Plan2053 Words  | 9 PagesComprehensive Security Plan CJS-250 [pic] [pic] [pic] Comprehensive Security Plan This is a comprehensive security plan for a night club environment. This plan will cover all the areas that might pose as a threat, or a danger. This plan will have the following elements, the floor plan of the target environment, a list of threats, a risk assessment for each threat, and current vulnerability gaps. This plan will be written in such a way that, it will be able to be used inRead MoreSecurity Plan - Knowledge and Information Security4339 Words  | 18 PagesContents CONTENTS 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL 7 CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER 7 ELECTRONIC SECURITY MANAGER 7 PHYSICAL SECURITY MANAGER 7 RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICER 7 ASSESSMENT OF RISK 8 PHYSICAL 8 ELECTRONIC 9 DATA ACCESS SECURITY 10 GENERAL SECURITY 10 USER AUTHORISATION 10 USER AUTHENTICATION 11 SECURE DATABASE 11 PHYSICAL FILES 11 ELECTRONIC INTRUDER DETERRENCE – VIRUSES AND MALWARE 12 SOCIAL ENGINEERING 12 FILE SHARING 12 WIRELESS NETWORKS 13 STAFF VETTING AND SEPARATIONRead MoreSecurity Data And Information Security Plan Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesCyber-attacks in these days, companies should apply and develop the information security plan. Not only the large companies but also small companies should think about the security before facing a lot of issues such as losing data or crashing the system. This paper will advise some security planning and techniques to assist Voit Tool Die company strengthen and improve their security protection plan. 1. Introduction: Security data and information is very important for any company in the world. IndeedRead MoreImplementing An Effective Security Plan1210 Words  | 5 PagesRecommended Security Plan In order to create an effective security plan, it is necessary to create a system that can be modified and adapt to changing threats. The ISO27005 standard details this process by breaking it down into four steps – Plan, Do, Check, Act (Stallings Brown, 2012). The planning step involves performing a detailed risk assessment of the environment and creating a security plan. By examining the infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities, we have determined that controls are
Saturday, May 16, 2020
We Must Stop The Opiate Addiction - 2551 Words
Why is it when someone is diagnosed with heart disease people are concerned and feel empathy for the person, but when someone is diagnosed with an addiction to drugs they are faced with alienation and ridicule? It should be treated as the disease it is, and not as though it is a choice. The perceptions that still linger in our society about addicts are unfortunate, despite the decades of scientific research soundly disproving those views. The numbers of opiate addicts are increasing steadily every year. Clearly there is a much larger issue at hand. Addicts were traditionally found in low-income areas, with high unemployment rates. Now, there are many people that are employed, living in rural areas, also abusing drugs. This shows that†¦show more content†¦When I was 14 years old, my father died of a drug overdose, after spending his life struggling with the disease,. I took care of my niece while my sister was heavily using. I fought with her for years to get sober. Then I fo und her in a bathroom unconscious, with no pulse, and a needle still stuck in her arm. I gave her C.P.R. for nearly 13 minutes until the paramedics’ arrived. They explained to me that if I had stopped giving her C.P.R., they would have never been able to revive her. In addition to them, I have several other family members and friends that also struggle with addiction. I have watched them try to get, and stay, sober. I have seen the control that addition has over them, and felt the way it affects everyone around them. I have watched the financial burden they cause their families, and our community. It’s honestly painful to love an addict. You’re angry a lot of the time. I think a lot of people can relate to the feeling of looking their loved one in the face and wanting to say â€Å"I wish someone would just stop you!†, but we should know better now. They need support, healthy connections, and people to be patient and understanding with them. It is a difficult task, but we are angry because we care. We often forget to tell them how much. The more informed we are about addiction, the more we will be able to help our loved ones’ and our society grow as a whole. The first choice to take an opiate cannot be the basis for judgment
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stock Markets The Castle in the Air vs The Firm...
Market Theories Investments Seminar Table of Contents Introductionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 Castle in the Air Theorynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 Firm Foundation Theorynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 Effects of the Marketnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 Market Theoriesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 The Tulip-Bulb Crazenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 Today’s â€Å"Tulip-Bulb†Craze, the Dot-Com Crashnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 Conclusionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6 Introduction Castle in the Air Theory The Castle in the Air theory was introduced by John Maynard Keynes, an well known economist and successful investor of the 1930s. It was Keynes’ theory that the keys to investing came from supernatural or psychic means.†¦show more content†¦Firm Foundation Theory The firm-foundation theory speculated that each tool used for investment (stock, real estate, etc.) was directly related to intrinsic value. Intrinsic value could be determined by carefully analyzing present-day conditions and future speculations. It was determined that when market prices fell below or rose above this firm foundation a buying or selling opportunity would come about. Quite simply it became a matter of comparing the actual price with its â€Å"firm foundation†of value. As stated in our text, the classic developer of this technique came from John B. Williams, a mathematician and financial writer. Williams’ formula for determining the intrinsic value of stock was based on dividend income. He introduced the concept of â€Å"discounting†in order to determine this value. It was his belief, according to our text, that the intrinsic value of a stock was equal to the present or â€Å"discounted†value of all of its future dividends. In other words a stock’s value should be based on the earnings a firm will be able to distribute in the future in the form of dividends. At this point, future expectations have to be included which would of course entail more intricate calculations. The overall issue with the firm foundation theory, as pointed out in our text, is that it relies on difficult forecasting towards the extent and duration of future growth. Effects of the Market Overall all both of the above mentionedShow MoreRelatedBodie, Kane, Marcus Study Guide Essay40928 Words  | 164 Pagesinvestment types, the markets in which the securities trade and to investment companies. In this chapter the student is introduced to the general concept of investing, which is to forego consumption today so that future consumption can be preserved and hopefully increased in the future. Real assets are differentiated from financial assets, and the major categories of financial assets are defined. The risk/return tradeoff, the concept of efficient markets and current trends in the markets are introducedRead Morepaul hoang answers72561 Words  | 291 Pagesbetter known multinational companies with wellestablished customer networks. 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Heart of the Navajo tribe - 1400 Words
Heart of the Navajo tribe The most phenomenal thing about each individual culture though they may be similar in some ways they vary in the most impeccable manner that makes that group of people unique such as the Navajo Tribe. â€Å"The Navajo are natives of the Four Corners region (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado). The Navajo people are still living in their traditional territory today. The Navajos live on a reservation, which is land that belongs to them and is under their control. The Navajo Nation has its own government, laws, police, and services, just like a small country. However, the Navajos are also US citizens and must obey American law.) Redish, L., Lewis, O. (2011). Every belief or tradition are what make the very aspect†¦show more content†¦Even the breath of a bear coming from a distance can do harm, as can dreaming about bears or speaking the bears name aloud. Most bear sickness falls into two general categories, swollen, painful arms, legs, and other extremities; and mental illness (Pavlik, S. 1997). Occasionally a bear might be hunted and killed if its paws or other parts are needed for ceremonial purposes. Bear paws, for example, are used to make the medicine bag or jish used by medicinemen. Bear claws are also used in conjunction with this ceremony, as well as for wristlets worn by patients during the blackening portion of several ceremonies. Bear claws were also attached to wristlets worn by warriors to give them power (Pavlik, S. 1997). The patient is seated on a specially prepared sandpainting, usually one of the House of Bear and Snake, or Bears Sitting Place, which has been surrounded by spruce branches. At a signal from the singer, a man costumed to represent a bear leaps out of a dark comer of the dwelling and confronts the patient. 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Export Management Plan IOS System
Question: Discuss about theExport Management Planfor IOS System. Answer: Introduction: As the society continues to develop the standards for our lifestyle continues to advance in a rapid succession, and technology has become an integral part of our lives. No one can spend even an hour without the trusted device named smartphones. Smartphones have become the accessory that now dominates our lives (Balcilar Ozdemir, 2013). In the competition of smartphones and processor, IOS is the master. Apple products have always captured the customers with its unsurpassed technological advances and its brilliant innovations. In this report we will discuss the export plan for the expansion of the customer base of iphones to the technological hub Japan (Balcilar Ozdemir, 2013). Situational Analysis: iphones are the things of the present, sleek and suave in design and loaded with power packed technologies, there is only little that an iphone cannot do in class. The operating system in an iphone is the revolutionary IOS system which is unsurpassed in quality and speed. The smartphones have their own apple app store that comes with a myriad of different apps that will blow your mind with variety. The performance stats of the iphones are tremendous surpassing that of the android and windows counterparts and are the first choice when it comes with the display and camera quality as well (Cecere, Corrocher Battaglia, 2015). The customer satisfaction in case of iphones revels in its huge and almost craze like popularity and is almost the first choice of any youngster. The fact that the iphone operating systems are secure and the risk for viruses are negligible it increases the viability of the product further. The looks department of the phones are the USP of these smartphones, with sleek black or white design or the newest addition of pastel colours like gold and rose gold, the iphones are a style statement no one wants to miss out on (Cecere, Corrocher Battaglia, 2015). Origin and Growth: The journey of iphones began in the year of 2004, by the hands of Jonathan Ives, the designer and Steve Jobs, the CEO (, 2017). The brand that started its journey with imac and ipods has come a long and exciting way. The origin country for the iphones is the hip and happening USA where life is fast forward and technology is everywhere. The US market embraced these beautiful smartphones with open arms and their journey to tremendous success began. It has to be considered that the market cultures of the USA market are very adaptive and open to changes (Cecere, Corrocher Battaglia, 2015). The American culture rarely sticks to old believes and norms and hence the ground breaking technology and innovation supplied by apple was made immensely popular within a very short time. Now the apple is a multibillion dollar worth brand with its products made a social necessity and object of class and style (Cecere, Corrocher Battaglia, 2015). Cultural Overview: Apple iphones have enjoyed a monopolized and fantastic reception in the USA customer base and has managed to elicit the same response when it was launched to the European market (, 2017). However the Asian market culture is a bit different. Japan is already phenomenal in its technological innovations and are popular for breaking in the market with technological super products one after the other. Eliciting the same craze like reception for the iphones in the Japanese market (Dunfee Nagayasu, 2013). The Japanese market culture is not much inclined towards the foreign based products and is more receptive towards the home products. With Japan being one step ahead from the world in technology it is going to be difficult to establish a strong hold in the market (Lockwood, 2015). However taking the teens and early tweens into consideration luring them in with the global popularity of iphones can be of supreme help to establish the foundation for the iphones in the Japanese market. Languages however can be a typical hurdle in the path of success for this product into the Japanese market (Morgan, Katsikeas Vorhies, 2012). Political Context: The Japanese are not much friendly towards the import of foreign techn9olo9gical devices and there are various rules and regulations in place that poses a hundred restrictions to import of foreign technological items. The economy of Japan is very tight knit and there are even regulations in this country that prohibits the residents to plug in their foreign tech items of the domestic wi fi sites (Morgan, Katsikeas Vorhies, 2012). Therefore there will be a large number of restrictions and oversights that will prove to be challenging for the iphones to set up a stable customer base in the country. Moreover the import taxes will burn a hole in the company budget as well (Srensen, 2012). Export Plan: GOALS STRATEGIES TIMELINE Target the young generation of teens and pre-tweens of the Japanese population. Increase the online media marketing exponentially. Promote the catchy looks and features of the phone to capture their attention (Tsuru, 2013). Short-term Within the first month of the business year. Get the import permit. Get the documentation and import billing procedure done within the prelaunch marketing period to build up the craze in the market (Srensen, 2012). Short term Within the second month of the business year. Market screening Send out samples to the selected group of youngsters for a ,limited amount of time to use to build up the craze. Short term In the third month of the business year. Launch the product in the Japanese market. Open up franchise and brand stores at prime locations to spice up the sell. Consider online seller accounts to mount the customer base (Tsuru, 2013). Long term Within the middle of the business year. Economic Development Plan: The economy of Japan has progressed radically in the last decade; the technologi8cal advances have taken Japan to the top of the money market within the last few years (Tsuru, 2013). Japan has successfully taken its economical status to being the third largest in the world and proudly holds the domination of the money market. With the literacy stats more than 100%, the population of Japan is financially stable enjoying a standard lifestyle at large (Wild, Wild Han, 2014). With the purchasing power parity considerably high in Japan expanding our customer base to Japan will be significantly beneficial and will bring home considerable profit and recognition in the Asian countries. Summary: On a concluding note it can be said that iphone being a massive style statement dominating the market in USA and Europe are already at the pinnacle of success. Adding the Asian technological hub Japan into the spread of the product will be a nice little addition to the consumer market. It has to be considered that in the era global online marketing a product that is not used by the majority all over world a product cannot survive the rough tides in this dynamic economy. Therefore expanding into the tech-savvy population of Japan will prove to be the first step towards apple gaining domination in the Asian market as well. Reference List: Balcilar, M., Ozdemir, Z. A. (2013). The export-output growth nexus in Japan: a bootstrap rolling window approach.Empirical Economics, 1-22. Cecere, G., Corrocher, N., Battaglia, R. D. (2015). Innovation and competition in the smartphone industry: Is there a dominant design?.Telecommunications Policy,39(3), 162-175. Dunfee, T. W., Nagayasu, Y. (Eds.). (2013).Business ethics: Japan and the global economy(Vol. 5). Springer Science Business Media. iPhone. (2017). Apple. Retrieved 24 April 2017, from Kakihara, M. (2014). Grasping a Global View of Smartphone Diffusion: An Analysis from a Global Smartphone Study. InICMB(p. 11). Lockwood, W. W. (2015).Economic development of Japan. Princeton University Press. Morgan, N. A., Katsikeas, C. S., Vorhies, D. W. (2012). Export marketing strategy implementation, export marketing capabilities, and export venture performance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,40(2), 271-289. Srensen, H. E. (2012). Business development. InPalgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Tsuru, S. (2013).The political economy of the environment: the case of Japan. AC Black. Wild, J., Wild, K. L., Han, J. C. (2014).International business. Pearson Education Limited.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Laws of Globalization and Business Applications †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Laws of Globalization and Business Applications. Answer: Introduction: This is a Switzerland based food and drink company, headquartered in Vevey Vaud, Switzerland. The company is spread all over the world and considered as the largest food company in the international market. Nestle was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle, Charles Page and George Page and rapidly spread over the world with its products which includes medical food, baby food, bottled water, tea, coffee, cereals and many more ( 2017). Reasons behind selecting the organization are due to its international presence where cage model can be studied and the business innovation model applied by the company which will contribute in the study. As Nestle is an international business CAGE analysis can be done on their business. CAGE stands for culture, Administrative, Geography and Economy, as the company also requires reducing their distance in the target market ( 2017). Netles cross cultural facilitates them to communicate their products to the target market. Companys market study proves to be important part of their business strategy to provide the desired products to the target market. The divide their target market into three part based on their products that are baby food for children, coffee for the adults and foods and beverages for mostly teenagers and adults. They have separate policies operating under different administration in different countries. On the geographical grounds, the company targets the developed countries and also the working class of the society to ensure their product demand. On to it, urban societies of the countries are the primary target of these countries to make maximum profit. T he working class is considered as the target as it best possible segment of the society that will avail their products. Business model is strongly related with the customer value. According to Teece (2010), business model is used to explain the customer value and the process used by the company to convert these values into profit. Hence, business model theory explains the development processes opted by the company for increasing customer value to increase the revenue generation (Bocken et al. 2014). Nestles business model innovation includes adaptation of shared value strategy replacing the traditional value chain, taking society into consideration. They have implemented Creating Shared Value Advisory Board and Creating Value Alignment Board for governance of their shared value chain and the companys sustainability and compliance. Example can be drawn from their Nespresso division, where they generate their revenue not from the coffee machine but from the capsules. On to it, they im plemented companies for making the coffee machines as they dont want to enter the household accessory industry. They give away the coffee machines for a comparatively low cost and charge for the coffee capsules comparatively high. This strategy is often considered as razor blade strategy as it was first proposed by Gillette where they used to give away razors at cheap rate and charged for the blades in a comparably high price. Nestle also adopted this during their business model innovation (Gobble 2014). Hence, more than one innovation in their business model can be spotted in a single business setting of Nestle. The company was founded by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker in the year 1971 as a coffee store in Seattle in America that used to sell roasted coffee bean. Since then, the company has came a long way and spread all over the world. They have also moved from just selling the beans to coffee beverages, smoothies, tea, baked goods coffee machines and many more ( 2017). Their story and the evolution over this short period of time is the primary reason for considering the company for studying their innovative business model. The application of CAGE framework in Starbucks international business strategy to reduce can be clearly spotted. These factors mentioned in the CAGE framework are sometimes overlapping and cant be distinguished from one another. Starbucks opted local adaptations for promoting their companies in the international market which is country and its culture specific. For instance, the company focused on its chic western image to get into the Chinese and Japanese market. Considering coping with the economic factor, they expanded to only the developed and few developing countries. Moreover, they focused on the major metropolitan cities of the countries (Ghemawat 2016). In order to reduce the political dilemma in the countries, the company modified their policy to pay premium prices for coffee beans from local farmers in Mexico and Peru as these countries uses environmentally friendly techniques. Finally, to reduce the geographical and administrative gap and problems, they partnered with some of the local business. On the other hand, excellent work of the strategic team of the company needs appreciation ( 2017). Five innovations using business model innovation can be highlighted that are sustainable culture, customers experience, technological adaptation, ambiance creation and business is more than just coffee. The company changed their business model based on the operating market. They change their store ambiance based on the culture and their expectance and make them feel like home. The company also embrace new technology and uses it as the fro better serving their customers. Moreover, they offer more than just coffee depending on the cultural settings they are operating in that enables them to provide customers the lifetime experience for which they will revisit the store. To achieve this above mentioned innovation the company went through the four steps mentioned in business model innovation. In the initiation part, they had to examine their business mod el and identify the required changes. Ideation is the confrontation of business model with other business model models available, and this is how they find the required model in the target model. In the integration part, they build new model and verify its efficiency. The final part is the implementation of the new business model of which the outcome is in front of us. In short, they examined their existing business model, studied the target market from various aspect, drew the framework of the advisable business model required and finally implemented it in the market for the best revenue generation (Massa and Tucci 2013). References Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Ghemawat, P., 2016.The Laws of Globalization and Business Applications. Cambridge University Press. Gobble, M.M., 2014. Business model innovation.Research-Technology Management,57(6), pp.58-61. Massa, L. and Tucci, C.L., 2013. Business model innovation.The Oxford handbook of innovation management,20, p.18. 2017.History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017]. 2017.starbucks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017]. 2017.CAGE Framework. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017]. 2017.Business Model Innovation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017].
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