Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Indus Motors
Indus Motor Company (IMC) is a joint venture between the House of Habib , Toyota Motor Corporation Japan (TMC) , and Toyota Tsusho Corporation Japan (TTC) for assembling, progressive manufacturing and marketing of Toyota vehicles in Pakistan since July 01, 1990. IMC is engaged in sole distributorship of Toyota and Daihatsu Motor Company Ltd. vehicles in Pakistan through its dealership network. The company was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company in December 1989 and started commercial production in May 1993. The shares of company are quoted on the stock exchanges of Pakistan. Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation have 25 % stake in the company equity. The majority shareholder is the House of Habib. IMC's production facilities are located at Port Bin Qasim Industrial Zone near Karachi in an area measuring over 105 acres. Indus Motor company's plant is the only manufacturing site in the world where both Toyota and Daihatsu brands are being manufactured. Heavy investment was made to build its production facilities based on state of art technologies. To ensure highest level of productivity world-renowned Toyota Production Systems are implemented. IMC's Product line includes 6 variants of the newly introduced Toyota Corolla, Toyota Hilux Single Cabin 4Ãâ€"2 and 4 versions of Daihatsu Cuore. We also have a wide range of imported vehicles. Corporate Profile| | Our Profile Indus Motor Company Private Limited, (trade name, Indus Motors) is the top ranking Maruti Dealer in India. The Company having its registered office at Indus House, Chakorathukulam, Calicut and Corporate Office at Thevara, Kochi was incorporated on 11th July, 1984. The business life of the company is started by starting their Ist Dealership in Calicut in the year 1986. The sale of Maruti vehicle is soundly boosted by marketing intelligence of the Indus Motors. Indus maintains the No. 1 dealer position continuously for the last five years. Based on the recent business reports, the company delivers one Maruti Car in every 13 minutes. The company will assist the customer from the time of choosing vehicle model, colour, finding the best finance option that suits them. They will constantly keep the customer update about their vehicle status until the delivery of the Vehicle is done. In case of servicing of vehicles, the company is at their service, with options of collecting vehicle from doorstep and once the works over deliver it back to the customer. They have Maruti on Road Service in case customer’s vehicle gets breakdown on the way. Their Maruti skilled technicians will come to the location where and rectify the problem or if it is a major work that has to be attended at the workshop the vehicle will be towed to the nearest Service Station. Our Vision Transform Indus into World Class Dealership Forever No. 1 in India Delighted customers and Delighted Employees Our Mission We will pursue the development of our financial and human resources through diversified business activities, in an ethical and socially responsible manner and in pace with the advancements of the day. We will uphold a professional code of conduct in the pursuit of our goals and are committed to taking up social responsibilities as a corporate citizen by dedicating a significant share of our productive surpluses for espousing social causes that would benefit our employees, their families and the society at large. Chairman ; Managing Director Mr. Abdul Wahab P V, Chairman PEEVEES ; Bridgeway Group of Companies Mr. P V Abdul Wahab is a person who rose from a humble background and now is a dynamic entrepreneur heading the PEEVEES and Bridgeway Group of companies. Today, Mr. Wahab’s business portfolio includes a conglomerate spread across India and the Middle East. Besides his business interests, Mr. Wahab is associated with various cultural and social organizations and He Elected unopposed as Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) from Kerala for the period from 2004 to 2010. He is a member of Rajiv Gandhi International Sports Foundation, Malabar Development Board, Malabar Chamber of Commerce and Chairman, Malabar Airport Development Action Committee (MADAC). Besides various distinguished awards, Mr. Wahab was also honoured in House of Commons, London in November 2003. | board of Directors| Sl No| Name| Designation| 1| Mr. Abdul Wahab P V| Chairman ; Managing Director| 2| MR. P. A. IBRAHIM HAJI| Vice Chairman| 3| MR. P. V. MUNEER| Director| 4| MR. P. V. ALI MUBARAK| Director| 5| MRS. YASMIN WAHAB| Director| 6| MR. T P AJITH KUMAR| Director| 7| MR. T P ANIL KUMAR| Director| | MR. JABER ABDUL WAHAB| Director| 9| MR. AJMAL ABDUL WAHAB| Director| 10| MR. P. A. MOHAMMED SHAFI| Director| | Values ; Beliefs The enduring belief that their corporate destiny is inextricably entwined with those of the employees and customers carries them towards a profitable and ethical business model. Quality Policy Customer satisfaction through quality services achieved by through constant adherence and continual improvement in quality services and systems following P. D. C. A (Plan, Do, Check and Act) technique in all their functions and actions complying with the requirements. Dealerships of the Company 1st dealership in Calicut – 1986 2nd in Kochi – 1991 3rd in Trivandrum – 1994 4th in Muvattupuzha – 2005 5th in Royapettah, Chennai – 2006 6th in Kattupakkam, Chennai – 2008 As on today, Indus has 6 Dealerships 40 Workshops 10 True Value Outlets 2 Maruti Driving Schools 18 E-Outlets 75 sales outlets Major departments Sales Service True value Spares Accessories Insurance Sales support Institute Maruti Driving School| INDUS GROUP CAR SALES TREND | | |  | | | 9745 997 333 | | | 9847 000 000| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | INTRODUCTION OF INDUS MOTOR COMPANY Indus Motor Company (IMC) is a joint venture between the House of Habib,Toyota Motor Corporation Japan (TMC) , and Toyota Tsusho Corporation Japan (TTC) for assembling, progressive manufacturing and marketing of Toyota vehicles in Pakistan since July 01, 1990. IMC is engaged in sole distributorship of Toyota and Daihatsu Motor Company Ltd. vehicles in Pakistan through its dealership network. The company was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company in December 1989 and started commercial production in May 1993. The shares of company are quoted on the stock exchanges of Pakistan. Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation have 25 % stake in the company equity. The majority shareholder is the House of Habib. IMC's production facilities are located at Port Bin Qasim Industrial Zone near Karachi in an area measuring over 105 acres. Indus Motor Company’s plant is the only manufacturing site in the world where both Toyota and Daihatsu brands are being manufactured. Heavy investment was made to build its production facilities based on state of art technologies. To ensure highest level of productivity world-renowned Toyota Production Systems are implemented. IMC's Product line includes 6 variants of the newly introduced Toyota Corolla, Toyota Hilux Single Cabin 4Ãâ€"2 and 4 versions of Daihatsu Cuore. We also have a wide range of imported vehicles. VISION AND MISSION IMC’s Vision is to be the most respected and successful enterprise, delighting customers with a wide range of products and solutions in the automobile industry with the best people and the best technology†. * The most respected. * The most successful. * Delighting customers. * Wide range of products. * The best people. * The best technology. Mission of Toyota is to provide safe & sound journey. Toyota is developing various new technologies from the perspective of energy saving and diversifying energy sources. Environment has been first and most important issue in priorities of Toyota and working toward creating a prosperous society and clean world. PRESENT PERFORMANCE: Currently the company is performing well in automobile sector of country. Its sales for the year 2003-2004 is 29,565 units. It has captured the largest automobile market share in the country. It is greatly contributing in human resource development by training and other such activities. The demand for its products is more than the company’s capacity. Its has certain advantages upon its competitors like largest market share, customers’ liking of its products more than its competitors. The company is continues to maintain a strong commitment towards its Human Resource. To enhance Consumer Satisfaction, extensive training programs were held during the year. Company continuously arrange service campaigns in the cities where its dealerships are present to provide quality service to customers and collect their complaints, suggestions and comments about company. The company also checks its dealerships continuously for not only maintaining but enhances its standards to give to customers maximum satisfaction. FUTURE OUTLOOK With the growth of the economy, political stability and availability of car financing, our automobile market has immense potential. According to some estimates, including that of the Pakistan Automobile Manufacturers Association (PAMA), the demand for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles could grow from 115,000 units to 160,000 units by 2006. nvestment by the industry could double to Rs 98 billion, employment could grow up from 170,500 to 290,000, and the industry’s contribution to the national exchequer could jump from the current Rs. 51. 50 billion to Rs. 121 billion. However, for the automobile sector to realize this potential, it needs a clear, consistent and longterm government policy so that automobile manufacturers and vendors, specially our foreign partners, feel confident of making long term investme nt for future expansion. The status of our localization program in the post TRIMS era is still unclear even though the Government has applied for an expansion of TRIMS applicability for another two years (up to December 2005). The world is becoming more and more open. We can learn from other countries e. g. India and Thiland, who have adopted policies that not only assist indigenous manufacturing but also make their manufacturing internationally competitive. MANAGEMENT POLICIES Management as a team at Indus Motor Company is committed to comply with the requirements of our Integrated Management System and to endeavor to continuously improve upon it in order to: Manufacture high Quality Products. Generate Customer Satisfaction. Provide Service to the Society. Maintain Market Leadership. Identify and avoid/mitigate those environmental aspects which have negative environmental impacts. Comply with all applicable legal, regulatory and other requirements related to Environment, Health and Safety. Design and maintain facilities, establish systems, provide training and conduct operations in a manner that safeguard people and property. Identify, evaluate & mitigate health risks related to our operations that potentially affect our employees, contractors and the public. MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Just in Time spirit implies two opposing forces of providing fast and flexible response to customers, yet building efficient mechanisms and systems that are efficient and waste-free. The concept is to provide the right product and information, at the right time, in the right amount, in the right manner, while maintaining high standards of efficiency and cost control. We have to SWOT STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREAD Strengths:  · Qualified and well trained staff  · Biggest sale network  · Best production plant in the world  · Financial Strong  · Biggest market share  · People Trusted Products  · High Quality Products  · ISO Certified  · Resale value  · Customer Care  · Customized products  · Brand Image  · Availability of Spare parts  · Best delivery system (Transportations) Weaknesses  · High Price of Products  · Political instability  · Low per capita income of public  · Less overhead rates of competitors  · Increasing Prices of Oil Rising inflation Opportunities  · Industry expansion  · Technology upgrading  · Strong Position * Market Integration opening up * Opportunity growing in other countries * Newly developed Areas/Markets (e. g. Gawader) * Favorable govt. policies * Big Market * Economy is expanding Threats  · Chinese cheaper products challenges  · Free Trade & WTO  · Strong comp etition from competitors in near future  · Instability of Government  · High rate of Taxation  · Bad infrastructure ORGANIZATION HIERARCHEY The above chart shows the centralization in the industry. The main decision comes from the Chairman of the company while Board of Directors approves his decisions and this implement in organization by respective committees. The Board of directors is committed to good corporate governance. The company is managed and supervised responsibly and proper internal controls and risk management policy. Its procedures are in place for efficient and effective operations of the company, safeguarding of assets of the company. This is compliance with laws and regulations and proper financial reporting in accordance with International Financial Reporting standards. indu
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Gender Criticism Essay
The study of human behavioral pathways can intensify the scope of how each individual is grouped according to preferences. In this aspect, it would be important to study the role of gender ideals in molding the society. Gender criticism is the overall approach in understanding the ideas about the complete make up of men and women (Bedford 1). This includes the notion acceptance of what is masculine and what is feminine. It regards sexuality as a very complex method of classification which basically becomes a reflection of a particular culture based on what is feminine and what is masculine relative to that society’s norms. The study does not regard sexuality as mere classification of heterosexuality and homosexuality. On the other hand, feminist criticism is a study on how the current status of the female segment came to be. The main approach of the study is to utilize literary or language based mediums of social structure to look for certain causalities which lead to the portrayal of females to be that of an inferior species. Moreover, the study intends to look for proofs of segments which can be derived from the literary complexities of cultures as to why male domination came into being. The offset of gender criticism may be coursed upon how feminist criticism came into being. Basically, these two concepts are not really opposites of each other but intertwined in terms of relative scopes of matters (Bedford 1). Many experts argue that the two notions are too complicated to be separated because one factor influences the other in a continuum of understanding towards gender, tradition, sex and culture (Bedford 1). In summary, feminist criticism is actually a variation of gender criticism only that the former specifies what could have provided the avenues to let feminism achieve a kind of status delegated in most societies today. Works Cited Bedford, â€Å"Critical Approaches. †Virtual Lit. 1998. 3 Feb 2008 .
Monday, July 29, 2019
Coursework 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Coursework 1 - Essay Example These funds assist in financing projects that are aimed at the improvement of the social, environmental and economic conditions locally and around the world. GlobalGiving allows donors to find grass root projects of their choice. This consequently increases the probability of donors submitting donations on projects that promote improvement in the economic, social and environmental conditions. Another factor that promotes the attraction of funds from individuals and organizations is the fact that GlobalGiving facilitates the initiation of projects that are specific to the interests of donor organizations and individuals. The projects facilitated by the GlobalGiving organization range from economic development to healthcare and education. Environmental improvement and development is also incorporated in these projects (Daley-harris, 2009, p. 107). GlobalGiving uses programs to help this organization accomplish its mission. This is evident in countries like Cameroon whereby this organiz ation strives to provide equal opportunities in Cameroon through the provision of clean water accessible to children in primary schools. Medical supplies are also provided to hospitals to support the groups that are economically vulnerable. This assists in the provision of medical care for the people affected by HIV/AIDS. GlobalGiving also initiates self-help programs. These programs that mostly target women are aimed at the providing access to microcredit facilities, which enables them to take better care of themselves (Daley-harris, 2009, p. 107). Micro and macro environments The micro and macro environments are the key stakeholders of GlobalGiving. They include the customers, suppliers, distributors and competitors. The environment is considered those factors that the management in the organization does not have control over but have a significant effect on the operation of the organization. The microenvironment is composed of the factors that have the capacity to affect operatio ns such as suppliers, competitors and consumers. In this situation, they include the donors and the beneficiaries. The macro environment consists of factors that are beyond the environmental scope. These factors include world economic trends, political influence and inflation. Therefore, these factors promote uncertainty in the environment. Economic recessions and political threats pose a threat to the operation of the GlobalGiving organization (Daley-harris, 2009, p. 107). S.W.O.T Analysis A S.W.O.T Analysis is a tool used to study a particular organization. The conduction of this analysis assists in the strengthening of an organization through providing a way for self-improvement. Strengths The charity organization Global Giving has many strengths that accounts for the success of the organization. One of these advantages is the establishment of a proper strategic plan. These strategic plans provides put in place allow for the betterment of the organization. The charity organizatio n also has skilled personnel working in the organization. This promotes efficiency and effectiveness in the organization. Another factor that has promoted success in the organization is the fact it has a good collaboration with the government and the private sector (Daley-harris, 2009, p. 108). Weaknesses The charity organization GlobalGiving has its weaknesses. Weaknesses in this charity organizat
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Manual - Google Street (Google map 3D) Coursework
Manual - Google Street (Google map 3D) - Coursework Example In essence, the 3D maps provide the user with the ability to see the buildings, street details and roads that make up a particular area. It acts as the basis to ensuring that users can efficiently navigate from one point to another. This is to aid them in travelling through most of densely populated cities (Peterson 32). It is vital to note that there is a significant set of well-designed functions contained in the Google 3D maps. These crucial functional features act as the building to ascertaining that there is efficient delivery of the targeted services to users. These functions include the global positioning system module, which allows users to experience real-time definition of different areas contained in a map. In each of the displayed 3D map, a user is provided with the function of changing between list views, street view. Another one is the search function where a user is allows searching for a particular company, street or any other geographical feature. The Google 3D map also provides users with a get direction function. This helps users to get access to the right path towards a particular destination. There is also a zoom function for users to zoom a location in or out. Lastly but certainly not the least, this feature contains a function, which allows users to save a favorite map towards a particular destination. This is important in that users can simply open a saved map and get the right directions to a preferred destination (Peterson
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Social responsibility as part of the Livity youth marketing agency Essay
Social responsibility as part of the Livity youth marketing agency - Essay Example Society expects corporations to get involved in the community and to act in a socially responsible manner. Customers support companies that are ethical in their dealings with internal and external stakeholders. Social responsibility can be defined as the principle that businesses should contribute to the welfare of society and not be solely devoted to maximizing profits (Investopedia, 2012). A company that believes in the value and importance of social responsibility is the Livity youth marketing agency. â€Å"Livity is a socially responsible youth communications agency that works directly with young people every day to produce co-created campaigns and content for brands, broadcasters, charities and local and central government that achieve client objectives†(Livity, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate ways to achieve social responsibility at Livity. The organization performs advertising campaigns to a diverse group of corporate clients including Google, BlackB erry, C4, Virgin Media and Big Lottery Fund. A way for the company to improve its social responsibility program is by donating the time of its employees to work on projects for nonprofit organizations. The company can set a quota of how many hours it will donate during a fiscal year. Nonprofit organizations interested in labor donations must file an application with the administration of Livity. The expertise of the team at Livity can help a lot of these organizations get noticed by the community. The operations of Livity currently use a lot of paper. Deforestation is a serious environmental problem that must be addressed by corporations worldwide. â€Å"The net loss of the world’s forests is estimated at 7.3 million hectares per year†(Facingthefuture). Some of the causes of deforestation are fires, industrial consumption and population growth. The United States, Europe and Japan consume approximately 22% of the paper worldwide. Livity can take a stance to act in a so cially responsible manner if it changes its paper utilization policy. The company can formulate a long term plan with the ultimate goal being to transform the company into a paperless environment. The use of technological tools is essential for companies to switch from traditional paper usage to a paperless office. A way to train employees to learn how to work in a paperless environment is to expose employees to virtual teams. A virtual team convenes and operates with members linked together electronically via networked computers (Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2003). A simple first step to apply social responsibility to paper usage is to purchase only recycled paper. Another option for the company is to substitute the use of pulp based paper with another material. A company in Australia called Papyrus Australia Ltd (PPY) invented a new form of paper called banana ply paper. Banana ply paper is a new form of paper made out of the trunks of banana trees. The trunks of banana trees ar e a renewable source. Livity can negotiate a partnership with Papyrus Australia to license the manufacturing process in order to produce banana ply paper to supply the yearly needs of Livity. An environmentally friendly and socially responsible action that Livity can take is to sponsor a recycling program in the community. The company can set up a recycling program with the scope of covering an area of 100 square miles around the corporate headquarters office. In the future the target is to increment the reach of the program to 500 and 1,000 miles from the corporate headquarters. Some of the materials that will be picked from the homes of the participants of the program are paper, plastic and aluminum. The people that recycle must separate each material into separate bags. The company will also perform recycling in-house.
Gun Control community and police safety vs right to bear arms Research Paper
Gun Control community and police safety vs right to bear arms - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that judging by the current statistics, the United States has the highest level of gun-related violence, which is not only greater than everywhere in Western Europe, but around the World. Police officers receive reports of mass shootings virtually every day, with the latest one being the San Bernardino shooting in California, which left 14 people dead and 21 wounded. According to, the San Bernardino shooting is undeniably the deadliest since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, which took place in December 2012, and left 20 children and 6 adults dead. The website, which defines a mass shooting as an incident where four or more people are shot at the same time, equally reports that the United States has witnessed 1052 mass shootings over a span of 1066 days. The situation in the United States is a sharp contrast to that in Scotland for example, which has a population of 5.3 million people but has made great strides in managing gun-related violence. The state of affairs in Scotland is said to have changed after the Dunblane Primary School shooting in March 1996, which left 16 children and 1 teacher dead. The public outcry that resulted from the 1996 incident prompted the British government to act with speed, and ban the private ownership of automatic weapons and handguns within their mainland. The effected changes similarly gave the authorities more control over the licensing of weapons.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Effects of Continuing Education on Nursing Profession Research Paper
Effects of Continuing Education on Nursing Profession - Research Paper Example Obstetricians that have advanced in their area of specialization showed increased knowledge and capability to handle situations at hand, Johnston states that, nurses who were involved on mandatory continuation of learning, showed positive change in terms of behavior and practice. The level of referral drastically reduced after nurses were involved in the mandatory continuation on education (Johnston et al, 2009). According to the study, it explained that nurses acquired more knowledge regarding their specialty; the increased knowledge and positive attitude toward patients care enable them to perform their tasks more effective. Therefore, there were little referral compared before involvement in the studies. The study also indicates that, the program of mandatory continuing education acted as motivator among nurses, hence appreciated their work more, and show high level of competency (Emerson, 2007). ii. Continuation of education and the qualities of care delivery There have been diff erent studies that have been conducted to evaluate the impact of continuing studies on the level of care delivery. Most survey conducted showed positive link between the level in the quality care delivery and increased level of education. According to the survey done by Moini, most of nurses who were involved in a program of voluntary mandatory education; showed high quality care delivery after enrollment to education. The researcher stated that, adult voluntary learning was the best way to advance individual level of education. Through identification of individuals need in a particular area, they will voluntarily enroll on continuation of education to upgrade their skills in the area required, hence, improving the... This essay stresses that international nursing bodies have encouraged nurses to continue with their studies to remain competent and deliver improved care. There are different factors that have influenced nurse’s decisions on continuation of education. These factors include; individual decision, organization decision and professional decision. Dynamics that influenced a nurse’s decision on continuation of the study, will affect the outcome of study in positive or negative manner. For effective continuation of studies nurse are require to participate fully in the study. As the paper discusses most survey conducted showed positive link between the level in the quality care delivery and increased level of education. According to the survey done by Moini, most of nurses who were involved in a program of voluntary mandatory education; showed high quality care delivery after enrollment to education. The researcher stated that, adult voluntary learning was the best way to advance individual level of education. Through identification of individuals need in a particular area, they will voluntarily enroll on continuation of education to upgrade their skills in the area required, hence, improving the quality of care delivery. According to the survey done among nurses who either voluntarily or involved in compulsory continuing education; the study showed that, 67% of the nurses were involved to studying a new area, and not building on what they previously acquired.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personality - Essay Example Summary of the journal article The article begins with a brief introduction about the process of cognitive development and the changes happened in human brain anatomy and psychology across childhood and adolescence. It illustrates about different areas development process like neuro-anatomical development of the human brain, functional organization of the developing human brain, development of human brain connectivity, performance differences versus maturational differences and cortical organization with learning. Existing neuro-imaging methods and studies give information about cognitive and neural changes underlying human development. But this information is not sufficient for explaining brain structure and function. MRI based anatomical studies highlights various structural changes with development over the period of childhood and adolescence. The study explains various stages of changing in numerical status. Sub serving primary functions like sensory and motor systems come first. Secondly, sequential and parietal connection cortices related with basic language skills and spatial attention maturing appears. Higher order association areas including prefrontal and lateral temporal cortices, language process and sensory motor processor comes in final (Casey et al. 2). The study clearly mentions that structural changes that happened in human brain affect the cognitive development and behavior formation. Association between structural maturation and memory function is identified through the using of neuropsychological measures. The study offers detailed discussion about the functional organization of the developing human brain. It reveals that the development of prefrontal cortex plays an important role in the maturation of higher cognitive abilities. Mature cognition is related with the ability to filter and ignore irrelevant information. The ability to filter unimportant information continues to develop first two decades of a child’s life. Children with a strong response inhibition did not collect the same prefrontal region as those active by adults and they received a subset of same posterior areas. Children with poor response inhibition did not activate that subset of same posterior areas. The significance of tracking cortical changes in human brains over time is most evident in the area of higher research. The study concludes with some notable concepts and viewpoints about the process of maturation and cognitive development. Brain regions associated with more basic and important functions like motor and sensory processes mature first, control of thought and actions followed next. This way of development is paralleled by a change from disperse to more focal recruitment of cortical regions with cognitive development and learning process. The article illustrates cognitive developments and neurological changes happened in human brain. Authors put forward relevant thesis for the paper which facilitates reliability and authenticity. T hey introduces the thesis statement that neurological changes which occurred in human brain affect the cognitive developments and both of them have significant role in development process. The entire paper is developed through analyzing the key words and phrases which mentioned in the thesis statement. The methodology mainly consists of literature review and the paper draws its conclusion from the vast number of literature. Previous studies about MRI-based anatomical researches, MRI- morphometric
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Services marketing environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Services marketing environment - Essay Example Moreover he will give some recommendations from the results and the analysis, which will help the hotels to be improved. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a summary as well as an interpretation from research findings of the secondary data, by books, journal articles, reports, electronic databases and websites in order to drown the literature. In addition, an in-depth analysis of the roles and purpose of the HR in organizations in general will be included, how HR assists in the organization and how HR helps the organization strategy. Moreover, the research is concentrated on the HRM in companies. Finally, some information about the HRM in hotels will be given. This chapter is very helpful in increasing the knowledge relative to the studying area since the results and the findings of the primary data will be related with the literature review. Therefore, the knowledge from literature review is going to provide a more professional research that will focus on the purpose of this research. Also, the purpose of this is to offer an overview of significant information published on the topic in order to narrow down the research questions to a specific, suitable form. 'The study of consumer behaviour is at this time seen as a 'behavioural or social science.' There are many that would challenge that this is a misnomer although it is not strictly a 'science', in it purest form when compared with the 'Natural' and 'Mathematical sciences'. Watson states, "Behavioural Science is a purely objective experimental branch of Natural Science." To understand the real reasons people purchase one brand over the other, it is necessary to understand their underlying needs and concerns. In the past the theory of consumer behaviour has come from psychology; however, with further study sociology, anthropology and economics also contribute. Social Influences/Class: 'Social class membership serves consumers as a border of reference for the growth of attitude and behaviour.' The hierarchical aspect of social class is significant to marketers. Consumers purchase products based on, either their own or a senior class, or their wanting to have an improved role and status in life (Andreassen, Paul B. 2002, 371-389). Interest have to be paid to social class, as it is a natural form of segmentation, which determines buyer behaviour. Due to this, Geodemographic clusters were developed to locate concentrates of consumers with particular characteristics. Many companies design products or services for specific social classes. Consumers from the lower classes may only dream of owning a BMW or Jewellery from Harry Winston, therefore marketers would not target them (Arkes, Hal R., 2003,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Nursing and the healthcare skills and qualifications Essay
Nursing and the healthcare skills and qualifications - Essay Example ient care and patient needs in such a way that it shows the respect of the healthcare provider for the personal, social, and political beliefs of the patient. By doing so, the healthcare provider will be able to administer the proper healthcare services to the patient and also earn the patients trust and loyalty due to the respect that has been shown for his or her beliefs in life. It is important to remember that a nurse must first and foremost, be conscious of the people around her and the patient. Being on the front line of patient care, a nurse will often find himself or herself spending more time speaking to the patient and his family members than the primary care physician ever will. As such, the nurse is in a unique position to facilitate the speedy recovery of the patient and also help ease the anxiety of the family. Oftentimes, the family members and patients will be anxious, afraid, embarrassed or distressed about their health situation, so they need a professional who can show them the respect, sensitivity,and empathy that they require throughout the time of the patient in the hospital. By doing so, the nurse will be able to help ease the psychological stress that everyone in the family is undergoing. Basically, being a nurse is a social job. It requires the nurse to be able to communicate effectively with family members. Putting them at ease whenever necessary and ensuring that she or he can help bridge the communication gap that often transpires between the patient, family members, and the doctor in charge. Sometimes, it is a thankless job, but the reward for the nurse comes at the end when the patient gets better and finally goes home to his family. Keep in mind that modern day nurses now hold a position of importance in the patient care community that rivals that of the doctors. The evolution of the job description has changed so much since the time of Florence Nightingale that nurses today no longer just sit by the sidelines, awaiting
Monday, July 22, 2019
Assessments Package Essay Example for Free
Assessments Package Essay The paper is based upon the self assessment online training. Throughout I will explain what changes the exercise has done to the view I had prior and the view I have after. Although in I think that becoming a case manager is a hard job and requires specific personality traits. I will write about the position of a case manager and what roles and duties the job requires. I will discuss the viewpoints on ethical principles, professional responsibilities, how my viewpoints had changed after the online training, and the self-awareness I have gained that could prepare myself for a case management role. View Changes on Ethical Principles The ethical obligations of the privacy for consumers and his or her protection of their health information are to be upheld at all times. The ethical principles within health care organizations are based upon the accountability of professionalism. However, the protection differs from the type of organization for example, state programs require state laws to be accommodated and followed. The programs in which state covers is alcohol and drug abuse programs, Medicare, and other accreditation programs that are applicable to federal laws. Therefore, the ethical principles in my opinion are held high as the guidelines are to be followed by all organizations in order to function properly and to provide the proper care to the clients. Privacy is extremely important as no person would want his or her medical conditions and concerns placed into public hands. View Changes on Professional Responsibilities The workforce training required for upholding privacy and security of health information proved to me that it is seldom to be professional in this type of work field. The awareness or degree of the security and privacy for patient’s health information varies from how to use or share health information, parameters, job position influences, the leadership interpretation, and implementing costs. The professionalism of the HIPPA security and privacy requires the formal education and proper training to ensure that the person entering this type of workforce can have ongoing accountability for the security and privacy to protect health information. The standards for HIPPA’s security and privacy rules address specific training requirements so professionalism responsibility is an absolute after receiving proper training. The requirements for the high-level training are crucial because of the cost and ongoing requirements and responsibilities of the workers. The professional responsibilities of the job demands ongoing training in which the workers are constantly up-to-date with documentations and responsibilities required by each person. The viewpoints of professional responsibilities after completing the online assessment has changed based upon the amount of responsibility the workers must obtain. The responsibility to make sure no health information is leaked through the system (documents, computers, corrupt employees) is extremely important, therefore the information shared among people is to be protected. Although I believe that health care information is not an item in which thieves’ want to possess. Health care information is in my opinion pointless to steal, as people really should not care who has certain medical conditions wrong with them. The workers job to me seems like a security job with the use of a computer in regard to health records, I often picture a security guard standing in front of a medical filling room. Self-Awareness Becoming self-aware of the case management role prepares me to comprehend the responsibilities, duties, and importance of health care information. The case management role is an important role as the information obtained by the case worker is personal should be guarded or protected, and secured. I am aware of the responsibility the case managers has daily and what his or her job title requires. However, I do not have plans or goals to become a case manager or to have that type of role in a job. I like helping people, whereas, I do not like to sit still and stare at a computers or paper work as a career. In the end, I have obtained information in which case manager’s jobs require extreme security, privacy, and professionalism. The case management role is only for certain people who can handle that type of job. Becoming a case manager is not a random choice a person picks for a career. For me, it is nice to obtain information in regard to the role of a case manager and realized how important case manager’s jobs are and what his or her daily duties require.
Basic Marketing Plan- Cell Phones Essay Example for Free
Basic Marketing Plan- Cell Phones Essay We are the #1 maker of cell phones in the world and we are also aiming for the top of the nascent mobile Internet market. Our products are divided primarily between three divisions: devices (handheld device manufacturing); services and software (consumer Internet services and products); and markets (supply chains, sales channels, and marketing). Our wireless network products business is operated in partnership with Siemens as Nokia Siemens Networks; the joint venture is the #3 player in the wireless networking equipment market behind Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES MARKET STRATEGY Our goal is to re-emerge into the US Market by re-inventing our marketing mix and strategy. The first step will be to revamp our image in the US by altering the current perception of our phones. We need to reposition ourselves in the marketplace as the leader in high quality, contemporary phone devices. When deciding how we would re-invent ourselves we looked at several options. The first option we explored were licensing agreements with other phone manufacturers. We decided not to choose this option because of the strong manufacturing channels we already have in place all across the globe. We also did not want to risk having our name associated with phones that were not of an extremely high quality for fear that this could lower our reputation in the US even more. Another option we evaluated was to enter into a partnership with a DSL phone service provider such as Vonage. We were exploring the option of developing a new break through Voice of IP service but after discussion we deciding this would not allow us to focus on our core products, which are handheld devices. POSITIONING STATEMENT In the US we are currently perceived as a cheap, outdated phone that is only suitable for the very young or the very old. To the Savvy and Technologically inclined consumer we are seem as an overly simplified phone that doesn’t have all of the latest features. Most often the US consumer is not willing to pay top dollar for a Nokia phone so they only get one if it’s given away free with a contract. This perception of us needs to change. We need to reposition ourselves as the world’s leader in handheld cellular devices. We need to expose consumers to our new phones with break through features. We need to bring back consumer confidence so that they believe our phones are stylish, durable, reliable and top quality. We also want consumers to feel as if Nokia is a strong brand name with longevity in the market. We don’t want our phones to be seen as outdated and obsolete so we need to show the US how strong and advanced we are in the RD department. TARGET AUDIENCE In order to reposition our brand in the US Marketplace we will focus on three specific target audiences. The first being Young Adults aged 17 to 24 and the next being business professionals aged 25 to 40.We will attract men and women alike with various elements that should appeal to both sexes. Our goal will be to launch 2 different campaigns that will gain attention from people in these age groups but from a diverse range of racial backgrounds. The campaigns will be launched nationwide and will focus on showing Nokia in more of an American light with and American attitude. We will go after high school and college students who are interested in having the newest and coolest phone on the market. They will be from an upper class background and influenced by the hot new trends in the fashion, music and technology industries. They will be very image conscious and they want to show that their phone has the newest features. They will be fun loving and exciting individuals with eager and fast paced attitudes. Next we will focus on attracting young and mature professionals aged 25 to 40. This group will be more conservative and business oriented. They will be driven by work and are hoping to move up the corporate ladder. They will typically be from the middle to upper class and highly status conscious. They will not be sensitive to prices, as they will view the phone more as a business tool rather then an accessory. PROMOTION Given the Business objective of re-emerging in the US market and of boosting Nokia’s overall awareness and image as an inspirational brand we will drive the overall brand image through several mediums. Our primary media will be television commercials and our secondary media will consist of magazine ads and sponsorships. We hope to attract the new target audience of 17 to 24 years though the arena of music and television. We will sponsor music concerts and run commercials on cable networks such as MTV and VH1. We will promote sweepstakes were concert tickets and CD’s are given away free To attract our second target audience we will advertise in magazines such as Newsweek and Business Weekly in order to introduce our new phone to in a mature light. We want to appeal to business professionals who are looking to establish themselves and we want them to believe that our phone can help them achieve their goals. PRODUCT STRATEGY Our new product strategy will be to introduce the new Wimax technology to the US through our new phones. In order to take advantage of the Wimax techonology we will need to team up with Sprint who has developed the new faster wireless network. Our new phones will be the only ones available that can access the network at speeds 3 times as fast as 3G. Nokia will receive subscription fees from Sprint while selling the phones to them as a profit. The new technology will allow people to receive internet connection speeds on their phones that are as fast as their cable modems at home. NEW SLOGAN, NEW LOGO With our new phones and our new technology there will also be a new slogan. For the new campaigns we will emphasize that our two new phones are both $200 so the phrase we’ll use will be Two for Two. We will also use the slogan â€Å" Replace your laptop with your Nokiaâ€
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Private Blogging In Paramedic Science Education Essay
Private Blogging In Paramedic Science Education Essay Abstract Reflection on clinical practice and sharing of declarative knowledge is a foundation for which the Bachelor of Paramedic Science program was developed. The overall scope of the project was to trial Evernote as a private reflective blogging service and also the opportunity to gain experience (both staff and students) with using Evernote with a view of it becoming a potential tool for reflection and assessment on clinical placement, informing not only Paramedic Science but other clinical based health programs. Ultimately this project was about improving the engagement of distance students online, and encourage reflection on their own declarative knowledge. The scope of the project was to also improve formative feedback between students and the academics and finally to evaluate the technology for appropriateness as a private blogging service in a clinical setting for reflection. The educational motivation towards student engagement is high on the agenda of tertiary institutions and this study is one representation of how social media concepts can improve this engagement. The findings of this study identified that students interact better with SMS combined with online forums within a learning management system. Key Words Blogging Reflective Practice Student Engagement Learning Management Systems Key Points The use of private blogging aims to improve engagement of distance students online, and encourage reflection on their studies within the course. The use of private blogging aims to improve formative feedback between student paramedics and lecturers Evaluation of technology and the use of social media are high on the agenda of tertiary institutions Private blogging aims to enhance clinical reasoning by students. Formative feedback provided to students through their own self discovery of new concepts introduced during the course as well as self-regulated learning by the students is important in paramedic education. Introduction Reflection on and sharing of clinical information amongst student paramedics is a practice that has been introduced across all paramedic specific courses on offer in the Bachelor of Paramedic Science at CQUniversity. The aim of the study- private blogging in paramedic foundations was designed to improve the engagement of distance education students online and encourage reflection on their studies within the course. The objective was to also improve formative feedback and evaluate the technology for appropriateness as a private blogging service in a clinical setting. The overall scope of the project was to trial Evernote as a private reflective blogging service and also the opportunity to gain experience (both staff and students) with using Evernote with a view of it becoming a potential tool for reflection and assessment on clinical placement, informing not only Paramedic Science but other clinical based medical and health programs on offer at CQUniversity. Background The study commenced during term for a course within the Bachelor of Paramedic Science at CQUniversity 2011. Nineteen students were enrolled in the course and had the opportunity to engage with the course lecturer/s through set weekly tutorial questions in which all students were to respond to through their private blog enhancing engagement by students. These blogs were then summarised by the course coordinator and put online through the weekly forum in Moodle. Students were also to consider the clinical judgement aspects of the course reflecting on their clinical practices such as history taking and patient assessment. The introduction of private blogging into the course was intended to improve formative feedback provided to students through their own self discovery of new concepts introduced during the course as well as self regulated learning by the students performing set tasks on family and friends as a way of skills development and competency. The use of private blogging was hop ed to improve engagement with distance education students and also to seek improvements in competent and reflective paramedic practice to be used throughout the program especially for work integrated learning. Blogging to improve student interaction Prior to the commencement of this study the course was offered in term one with approximately 70 students enrolled. Online weekly tutorials consisted of weekly problem solving and clinical judgement questions that required a response from the student. These questions ranged from problem solving exercises to case management exercises and general case studies requiring question and answer responses. The interaction for these weekly formative tutorial sessions was low with a 12% (n= 8) students per week responding. The below table identifies the average response rate for all term 1 2011 courses and for the paramedic course within the Moodle learning management system. Table 1. Files, messages, clicks and discussions for 70 students in term 1, 2011 PMSC11001 paramedic course compared to the average for all term 1 2011 courses in the university. Course Files uploaded Messages Clicks Discussion hits Discussion posts Discussion replies Paramedic Course 128 113 32380 4135 77 36 Average all T1 2011 courses 15 109 13359 2879 40 68 Due to the limited amount of discussion replies (36 versus 68) it was difficult to ascertain what the students learned during the lectures. In turn it was then difficult to predict if what they learned in theory was going to be put into practice at their residential school simulation laboratory sessions. An article by Wetmore et al. (2010) identified that writing about what was learnt theoretically is an effective strategy to promote reflective learning leading to the development of critical thinking. In other words if a student effectively reflects on the declarative knowledge of their studies, this reflection will in turn improve the procedural knowledge and skills application required for proficient practice. Overwhelming evidence is in support of reflective learning practices through effective student-teacher interaction being included in clinical education paradigms (Wetmore et al. 2010). Methods Data presented in this paper are drawn from an exploratory survey conducted at the completion of a three day residential school for a first year baccalaureate paramedic program. The course they attended was Foundations of Paramedics Science which is a first year course of the three year Bachelor of Paramedic Science program. The students in the course were distance education students. The aim of the study was to evaluate Evernote as a blogging service for students. The purpose of Evernote is to: Improve engagement of distance students online, and encourage reflection on their studies within the course. Improve formative feedback from teachers Evaluate Evernote as a private blogging service in a clinical setting The overall scope of the project was to trial Evernote as a private reflective blogging service and also the opportunity to gain experience (both staff and students) with using Evernote with a view to it becoming a potential tool for reflection and assessment on clinical placement, informing not only Paramedic Science, but other clinical based programs such as Medical Sciences and Sonography. Evernote is a technology that assists users with organising various types of information from several different sources into one, central, web-based location. The product also allows users to clip web pages and archive them for later reference, store screen shots, photos, audio memos and text notes, all within a customizable storage system. Evernote can organize notes chronologically and share them between multiple users. In the context of this research students would share their notes (blog posts) only with their teachers in the course, thus creating a private blogging environment. The students had tutorials and on-line blog activities during which they were required to enter their responses and other relevant information into the Evernote program. Â The activities were located in their resource manuals and were identified by a blog sign. They were informed that they will be required to input information into EVERNOTE which only the lecturers will see, and that this information will be summarised and feedback provided to all students. The students were initially provided step by step guidance on how to access Evernote and begin their blogging campaign. The lecturers were provided training sessions leading up to the commencement of term and the students were also given online training videos to assist in using Evernote. The authors conducted a survey after a three day residential school in January 2012. The survey was distributed and received back by a non-teaching staff member. The questionnaire consisted of five sections. Section one contained demographic information related to the participants. Section two contained questionnaires based around their knowledge and capabilities of blogging with section three following on from this and contained 13 questions with a seven-point Likert scale identifying the students beliefs about blogging in the course. The fourth section discussed the students feeling about the blogging process and identified any alternative methods for their engagement with the lecturers. The final section attempted to identify their clinical reasoning by allowing the students to reflect on actual paramedic practice and the use of evidence based practice in paramedicine and whether blogging assisted them in improving clinical reasoning and judgement. Data used in the analyses came from a student paramedic-based e survey of blogging. Data collected by the questionnaire were stored on a Microsoft Access database that resided on CQUniversitys computer server. Survey data were coded and transferred from the Access database to an SPSS 18.0 (SPSS, 2010) statistical package software program. Ethical approval was acquired by CQUniversity Human Ethics Committee. Ethics approval (H11/11-163) was granted from 5 December 2011 to 30 June 2012 and was considered under the low risk review process. Results Eleven students out of 19 (58%) completed the survey with only 19 out of 27 students attending the residential school. The intent of the blogging exercise was to assess the students engagement with information extracted from the Evernote data base through the weekly tutorial sessions with questions uploaded by lecturers and answers provided by the students. Unfortunately out of a potential 190 blogs required there were only 14.1% of responses from students (n =27) which did not reflect an accurate account of engagement and was only a two percent improvement on the previous engagement strategy through the Moodle online forum. Their engagement through blogging in Evernote was not a formal graded assessment which kept with the consistency in the previous tutorial sessions through on line forums to ascertain if blogging improved engagement. Demographics Demographic data was gathered for comparison only, and a frequency distribution of gender, age, highest level of education, state of residence and current employment/student status was undertaken. Information is noted in tables 1 and 2. Of the participants who completed this survey there was an almost equal division of gender with 55 percent (n=6) female. Fifty percent were in the age group of 20-29 (mean 23 years ) (range 19-37) (table 2). Based on the ANOVA analysis, P values indicated that there is no significant difference between genders and amongst age groups with regard to their thoughts on blogging (P value threshold set at P Table 2 Participants Gender Gender N Percentage Female Male 6 5 55 45 Total 11 100 Table 3- age of participants Descriptor N Percentage 19 20 22 27 29 32 37 missing 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 18.2 9.1 18.2 9.1 9.1 18.2 9.1 9.1 Total 11 100 The second part of the survey asked participants if they have blogged before. Of the 11 respondents, only one had previous blogging experience and that persons experience was over 12 months previous to this survey. To ascertain if students had concerns with blogging based on past experiences of themselves or family/friends, a second question asked do you know of any bloggers who have gotten in trouble with friends or family for things they posted on blogs? There was an overwhelming response of no for this response (n=11, 100%). The final question within this section asked for a comment on blogging and what the participants would like to know about blogging, of the responses received three out of eleven (27%) participants advised that they did not enjoy the blogging experience and therefore did not want any further information provided to them. The third section of the questionnaire was aimed at gathering information about the participants beliefs of blogging in the course PMSC11001. They were advised there were no right or wrong answers and the researcher were only interested in their general opinions about the participants beliefs and thoughts of blogging within the course PMSC11001. This section was assessed using a 13 item, seven-point Likert-type scale anchored by the use of bipolar adjectives (i.e. pairs of opposites) from Strongly agree = 1 to Strongly disagree = 7. Table 4- Questionnaire Mean Scores (n=11) Question Mean Standard Deviation How confident were you that your writing in your blog was private 3.18 1.47 How often did you consider something was too personal to blog 5.18 1.40 How often did you look at the log of the lecturers responses Would you take lesser care with what you wrote if it was open to the public 4.30 3.72 2.00 2.19 How much did the comment the lecturers wrote on your blog affect future entries 4.63 1.12 Would it bother you if the things you publish on our blog could be available to other students Do you believe things you publish on your blog affect your grading Do you believe lecturers would feel negative towards you based on your blog Do you believe your peers would feel negative towards you based on your blog 5.09 5.09 5.00 4.82 1.58 1.22 1.34 1.25 How did you find the process of enrolling in Evernote Did you find using Evernote program easy for your weekly blog entries Were you able to find responses from your lecturers easily through the Evernote program Were you able to publish your blogs easily through Evernote 4.73 4.82 5.00 5.00 1.49 1.33 1.09 1.61 Although most students did not engage with Evernote blogging as part of their weekly tutorial and as identified below students did not want to engage with lecturers through blogging there was a slightly positive inference about their confidence in their blogs being private (M = 3.18, SD = 1.47) and they identified that they would take more care if they knew the blogs were available in the public domain (M=3.72, SD=2.19). A majority of the respondents indicated a negative response to their experience with the Evernote blogging system and especially if it had negative impact on their grades (M=5.09, SD=1.22) and they also believed that lecturers would think adverse of them (M=5.00, SD=1.34). In relation to reading posts and publishing blogs in Evernote, again the students had a negative impression of this suggesting that it was slightly difficult to enroll in Evernote M=4.73, SD=1.49) despite the step by step guide offered to them. They also found it slightly difficult to use (M=4.82, SD=1.33) and found it difficult to find the lecturers responses (M=5.00, SD=1.61). The fourth section asks the students about their feelings towards Evernote blogging and then continued to ask about other social media concepts for engagement with their lecturers. Students were able to give more than one response for this answer Table 5 Social Media Concepts for Engagement Moodle Online Forums Skype Blogging Facebook Twitter SMS Participants 45% 0% 0% 0% 0% 90% There were five responses (45%) to using the Moodle online forums with the majority of students (90%, n=10/11) advising that engagement by the lecturers was best through SMS contact. Two students advised that they liked to be contacted by SMS and then would look immediately at the online forum site if requested to. Of the questions have your blogging habits changed since the use of Evernote and would you blog again in another course, all the respondents (100%) answered no with 27% (n=3) advising that they did not enjoy the experience and would not like to use blogging again within another course. Discussion CQUniversitys ten year strategic plan states: CQUniversity will attract and retain more students, helping them to achieve their educational goals regardless of their cultural and family background or their country of origin. We will offer a range of ways for students to access higher education and reach their educational potential. We will provide a stimulating environment that promotes and supports learner engagement utilizing appropriate technology and infrastructure (CQUniversity 2012). Despite limited research into the efficacy of social network technology in paramedic education, this pilot study has identified that to achieve the strategic goals of the university and in particular utilizing appropriate technology, students in this program have identified SMS as an engaging way of helping them achieve their goals. Paulus et al. (2009) identified that new technologies assists teaching and learning methods by providing a way of not stagnating the education of students through traditional methods and now supports the students construction of new knowledge. It has also been identified in the literature that academics need to keep abreast of the technological changes and the needs of the current generation of students. There is the potential for a division between students and faculty if they are struggling with new technology (Liu 2010). Liu (2010) also identified that through the Horizon Report 2009 several challenges had arisen and one of them is the growing gap in t echnology use between students and faculty even though technology use in academia is becoming more and more popular (p. 102). Additionally it has been identified in literature that blogging or journaling is an effective strategy to improve the education of students (Wetmore et al. 2010) where educators in various health and medical related programs have implemented blogs and reported benefits for student success when interacting with blogging exercises and activities (p.1339). Within this pilot study it was clearly identified by all students non-dependant of age or gender that blogging was not a preferred method of engagement with the lecturers with the preference being SMS in combination with online forums, despite previous evidence suggesting students do not engage with online Moodle forums. This is despite overwhelming evidence identified in the paper published by Ladyshewsky and Gardner (2008) where they stated that there is a growing body of literature to support the use of web based discussions to form student centred learning. They also identified that students come literately prepared for university through their knowledge of email, SMS and handheld devices including iPad (Ladyshewsky and Gardner 2008). In an online article by Becka(2012) it was identified that Recent research into how students use mobile devices has highlighted how frequently they access SMS and therefore this aspect is crucial to ensuring we engage effectively with them at key times and about key issues. In another article it was clearly identified SMS was the best technology used to support learning through engaging students in formative assessment objective questions with feedback, as well as SMS-based collaborative learning tasks (Brett 2011). Evidence that students within the Bachelor of Paramedic Science program at CQUniversity have engaged with lecturers through SMS is evident in the course evaluation surveys completed at the end of every term. During term one 2011 the course evaluation response was 78% with a rating of 4 out of a maximum score of 5 for the course, this was improved in term three 2011 with an 89% response rate and a score of 4.1/5 for the evaluation. Finally for term one 2012 the response ra te was 97% with an overall satisfaction rating of 4.7/5. Limitations and Recommendations The respondents to this survey were not randomly selected but were enrolled in the paramedic specific course and provided with the opportunity to trial the Evernote system as part of this course. The relatively small number of students available in this pilot study and the number of responses made it difficult to apply some statistical tests. Although the results here were overwhelming against blogging with support of SMS social concept for engagement and also online forums through the existing Moodle LMS, future research should utilise a larger sample across all years and courses of the paramedic program in order to enable a more accurate analysis and more precise calculations. Although the results of the survey indicated that students overwhelmingly preferred the use of SMS, given the technical constraints on the number of characters in an SMS, it does have limitations as a tool for reflection. The educational motivation towards student engagement is high on the agenda of tertiary institutions and this study is one representation of how social media concepts can improve this engagement. Future research with a qualitative component would enable effective evaluation of students thoughts on social concepts for engagement. With the availability of diverse and large amounts of technology, tertiary institutions should be looking at areas of social concepts for engagement and interaction which are easily accessible, are user friendly and usable by all students. In other words hardware and software that is in line with the next generation of students is recommended. A schematic of how future SMS integration into teaching and learning is shown in the chart below. Ask questions related to lectures through SMS 1 2 STUDENT LECTURER 3 Students notified of questions in LMS via SMS 2 1 4 Answers provided in online forum 3 PROVIDE CONTINUOUS FEEDBACK And summarise findings into Moodle LMS Conclusion This study has provided a picture of student engagement techniques which are of value and enjoyment for baccalaureate students. Findings indicate a clear association between SMS and online Moodle forums on improving student engagement with these techniques being both valued and enjoyed by students. This engagement will allow academics to further explore perceptions of students within their courses and value of the course content through the SMS and forums. Interactivity and active participation seems to lead to a new learning and teaching behaviour. By using modern technologies, students knowledge and engagement in course material can be implemented even to large lecture rooms. Sharing and collaborating different pieces of content as well as communication over different channels allows rethinking didactical approaches. Both students and academic staff will report a great potential for engaging with large class sizes. Conflicts of Interest None Ethical Approval Ethic approval was gained through CQUniversitys Human Ethics Committee
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The True Ending :: essays research papers
The True Ending This is the actual ending to Romeo and Juliet. It wasn’t a happy love story like you might have thought. No it was a horrible tragedy that didn’t really make sense but happened any way. The truth is that only Romeo and Juliet survive, well sort of.      The story starts off at night in a rain storm that doesn’t cease, right after Romeo has slain Paris. Romeo believes that Juliet is dead and goes to see her and kill him if it proves to be true. Romeo never got the friars message and hurry’s to see Juliet.      When Romeo enters the tomb he finds that it is empty. He thinks to himself where could Juliet have gone and is glad that she is not dead. When he leaves the tomb Lord Capulet confronts him. Lord Capulet accuses Romeo of tomb raiding and says that Romeo has stolen Juliet’s Corpse is some sick scheme. They duel and Romeo slays Lord Capulet.      Romeo goes to see the friar and ask for help. The friar says he has none to offer and tells Romeo to leave at once. When Romeo leaves the friar takes a flask of him most potent poison and drinks it. Romeo returns to ask the friar something else and see him die. Romeo runs away in horror. The friar’s page comes with Romeo.      While this is all going on Juliet has wondered into an alley and is surprised bye a rogue of great skill. He offers to help Juliet because he knows what’s going on. He shows Juliet to where Romeo and the page are getting horses ready. Before Juliet can ask him his name or thank him he is gone. Juliet runs to embrace Romeo in her elegant arms arms.      Romeo goes to ask his parents for help, and tells Juliet to stay on here horse and ride away far away if anything goes wrong. When Romeo enters his house and tells his parent everything his father attacks him. Romeo can’t bring himself to slaying his father so he leaves as quickly as he can. He and Juliet ride off but not before passing the Juliet’s nurse. Romeo and Juliet leave the page behind for he is not used to traveling on horseback.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Nick Carraway, Detached or Dishonest? :: Great Gatsby Essays
The Great Gatsby Nick - Detached or Dishonest? The Great Gatsby is a difficult book to interpret, particularly because of the style in which it is written. Not only must the reader differentiate between the separate views of Nick as the narrator and Nick as the character, but he or she must also take into consideration at what time period, relative to this story, are these views being expressed. After all, Nick the narrator is presently evaluating the manner in which his character behaved the year before, as well as allowing his character to voice his opinion, as his opinion had been during that time frame. We learn to trust Nick as a narrator, because all the pieces of information he gives to us, received through symbolism, imagery, or personal reflection, lead us to make significant decisions regarding the other characters of the novel. His character, on the other hand, cannot be looked upon in the same manner; it can be seen as dishonest and hypocritical, yet it is these negative characteristics that humanize him, allowing rea ders to relate to him as a person. What Nick thinks as the narrator is not always the same as what his character portrays. In just the third paragraph of this book, we learn that Nick is "inclined to reserve all judgments (Page 5)," but that his tolerance, "has a limit (Page 6)." True, his opinions might not be expressed in words, but it is important to realize that those opinions still exist. The narrator's role is to make us aware of Nick's "judgments," for his character neglects to respond to such feelings. Various techniques allow us to draw our own conclusions, the most interesting one being symbolism. The "foul dust" mentioned throughout the novel serves to corrupt everything it encounters. It is this foul dust that represents the lives of Daisy, Tom, and Jordan. After all, they are all immoral characters. A word such as dust successfully gives off a negative ambiance, but for Nick to go the step further and declare such dust to be "foul" truly represents his disapproval of their actions. Thus, without proclaimi ng his opinion in the form of words, Nick presents it openly through symbolism for us to see. However, even though we know that Nick as the narrator, reflecting back on that summer, did not see the three to be honorable people, he still spent a great deal of time with them.
Earth :: Essays Papers
Earth I heard of this place not too long ago. I can’t quite remember what it was called. It is a place where it is forever dark and it is ruled by something or someone extraordinarily powerful. In this place, humans walk alongside with gargoyles, beasts and ogres where humans are the inferiors. There is no sun or stars or moon, nor is there day or night. There is no democracy. Humans are the slaves and are treated like animals, men and women alike. Humans aren’t allowed to speak out, Laugh or even smile or they will be severely punished. They live in a nightmare society. The land is engulfed in darkness. There is no electricity, no roads, no transportation, no houses, no communication, no nothing. There is fire. That is all they have to bring light to the place. The beasts live in giant homes or shelters made of anything they can find. The beasts are absolutely horrid creatures. They are nothing like you or I have ever seen before, not even in horror films. They are not like anything you could ever even imagine. Their faces are mangled and deformed. They are decrepit figures who do not walk but drag themselves from place to place. Humans do not roam freely. They are shackled together by long chains that go on forever. They are pets. They do not get shelter and they barely receive enough food or water to survive. They are given the rotten leftovers and bones to pick at. When I speak of bones, I am talking about human bones. Not the bones of pig or cow, they do not exist. The beasts find humans very useful indeed. They believe that humans are extremely simple-minded which, in result, makes them good slaves. They tend to the crops and pick the fruit, which is all done in a very specific manner. If it is not done correctly, those slaves will be thrown into the pit. Humans are used to pull wagons and sleds. They build all of the huts and shelters needed for the beasts. They cook and clean and are used as personal slaves as well, if you know what I mean. When the humans become too old to use for physical labor, they are either eaten by the beasts or thrown to the pit for the rest of their lives. The beasts are very intelligent creatures. They would never want to run out of humans, so they had cages made.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Data Processing
Prior to our procedure, we measured the temperatures of each pond area. We used the low-temperature climate (bird inaccuracy pond) to compare to the higher-temperature climate (Lake Calhoun holding pond and Lake Harriet duck area. After completing our experiment by surveying various sections of each three experimental sites, we gathered our information using a stream study. We surveyed the areas four different times for maximum proficiency. After recording each sample study four times for each area, we added up their water quality rating total index count and divided it by four, generating an average for our results. Conclusion Our groups question was: How does temperature change have an affect on the water quality of aquatic macro invertebrates?After concluding our stream study, our group was able to determine that as temperature increased, the water quality index for aquatic macro invertebrates decreased. With the results that the stream study gave us, we were able to conclude that the area with the lowest temperature of 22 degrees Celsius (bird sanctuary) had an excellent quality rating of over 22. The Lake Calhoun holding pond (24 degrees Celsius) had a water quality rating of six, which fell under poor quality.As for the Lake Harriet Duck Area, we were able to generate a good quality rating of 22. Thus concluding that as the temperature increased, the water quality index decreased. We believe that as temperature is higher, the pond areas are more accessible by other animals/humans, creating the water quality to be less. Some limitations we occurred during our experiment were assuring from three different environments so the surrounding environments could have had an effect on the water quality rating.For example, the bird sanctuary pond is not accessible by people for recreational use, whereas both lake Harriet and lake Calhoun allow recreational use. This could have altered the results of our experiment. Another reason that our data could have been skewed was because recently Lake Calhoun had experienced an E-Coli problem, which is a reason the water quality was so low.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Lego Group, Marketing and Operation Management Report
FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT (PART A) LEGO group merchandise and Operations care cross wide-awake For LEGO Group By Eva Gaal On 17 no(prenominal)ember 2008 unveiling At the request of the LEGO lodge, this tarradiddle advises the follow on the magnification of its summons based on foodstuff breakdown, countenance securities industryplace placeing mix, hot crossroad end and perplexment, including total pure tone caution for outsourcing naked as a jaybird partners. LEGO Group is the fifth-largest chat up manufacturer of the being and has operated victor amply for 75 years besides, it has had almost problems in the last couple of years.To dissolve these problems, LEGO introduced a seven-year strategy scheme, which harps of approximately wakeless changes regarding to the processes, procedures and structure of the company. This strategy so farthest has been executed success full(a)y as shown in the financial results however, LEGO is going to face nearly mo re(prenominal) ch wholeenges in the future. (LEGO Annual say 2007, 2007). 1. / merchandise division foodstuff sectionalisation is defined as the subdividing of a market into distinct and increasingly homogeneous subradicals of guests (FM-A, 2004, p. 3) and it centres on the assumption that customers demonstrate heterogeneity in their harvest-home preferences and buying behaviour. (Green, 1977, Wind, 1978, cited in Dibb, 1998, p. 394). The business did actively segment its market (Dibb, 1998, p. 399), as LEGO identified itself from the very beginnings as a toy manufacturer it so automatic solelyy determined its market section approach. In the boorrens toy market the original divider base is the age (the elder the more entangled convergence) however, the real buyers ar the p atomic number 18nts (e. g. LEGO Duplo). Such an approach is popular because it is convenient, clear-out, light-headed to implement and stable over time. (Curran and Goodfellow, 1989, p. 23, cit ed in Dibb, 1998, p. 399). During the company operation LEGO identified more and more secondary divider variables (FM-A, 2004) much(prenominal) as gender (dollhouse for girls LEGO Belville and robots, footb all stars for boys LEGO Sports, LEGO Racers), geographical atomic number 18a level of income and purchasing index number (matured countries more complex point of intersections c atomic number 18 Technic, Bionicle, evolution countries simple results like Duplo, Creative Building) genteelness ( assorted harvest-festivalion rages for classroom education and for child breeding at home) psychographic, lifestyle reflects the p arnts debate in the importance of education and creative thinking of the LEGO ingatherings LEGO related its products unionisely to this segmentation group and positi matchlessd them in the certain markets. Why is market segmentation serious? Identification of market segments, physical product configurations and notice attitude (LEGO gover nment agencyed itself as a premium brand) are the most historic decisions that companies face in the global marketplace. (Hassan et al. , 2003).LEGO identified boorish-wide segments and targeted them with its products range, based n primeval the importance of education and creativity. Universal segments across country boundaries are considered as micro factors for values, attitudes, lifestyle and perception. (Hassan et al. , 2003). Even if market segments cease be identified as LEGO did, it does not necessarily mean they are irresistible or that a suitable merchandise mix give the axe be intentional for each segment. This can be one reason why LEGO had difficulties in early 2000, however, there is a inadequacy of quantifiable establish somewhat the impact of segmentation on business transaction. Dibb, 1998, p. 396). The separate reason could be that despite the come up documented bene watchs which segmentation offers, businesses continue to dally implementation diffi culties. (Dibb, 1998) ruinketers are development apprehension rather than systematic analysis to determine segments (Wind and Cardoza, 1974, cited in Dibb, 1998) follow their competitors (LEGO started to create hi-tech toys) with the lack of critical analyses about their magnet to the business. By recommendation it is that LEGO should review its segmentation approach including identification of segment favourableness and life cycles (see vermiform process 1. collection of segments selective information global buyer based vs country based features etc. to identify stark naked market opportunities and niches. Although there is a lack of quantitative research on the brain of segmentation success factor, there are guidelines that divide 3 part (before during after) segmentation process, Kotlers check-list and attractive force criteria (Abratt,1993, cited in Dibb, 1998), (see appurtenance 2. ). The result of this analysis should then be applied in the development of the brisk segments (e. g. argeting older age-groups 20+, enter into rising markets e. g. in Asia or identify in the altogether segments) to make decisions about targeting and to determine positioning. (Dibb, 1998). 2. / merchandise Mix After the market has been sure-firely segmented, target segment selected, and positioning strategies created, the marketer needs to proceed with development of the marketing mix. (Goldsmith, 1999, p. 181). The marketing plan consists of the eight main(prenominal) elements below which are the major areas to light upon and expand the sales and pro hold goals (see cecal appendage 3. ).Some of them are unique for Technic products (like product & price) but some of them cannot be scattered as they are associated to the brand (cost- efficientness). mathematical product LEGOs vision is that the Group will increasingly refine and improve its product range to enable its forward-lookingborn product range to compete (LEGO Annual make known 2007, 2007), f or example with the many electronic toys on the market, other companies are determined to come to buyers. consequently in the 1970s LEGO started to set in motion the Expert Builder sets, which included separate like gears, axles and cogs, which could be use to shape working models of vehicles and machines (e. . cars, trucks, tractor etc. ). These products were more advanced, so more suitable for teenagers (12+). They were formulaed to certification children learn creatively through bout and to improve abilities to solve complex problems. In the 1980s the Expert Builder serial was renamed to the Technic series. (Regani and George, 2007). By the early 1990s hi-tech toys appeared in the market from other companies. Therefore the LEGO Technic series had to be improved to advance robots and other automated or synergetic systems to restrict up with its competitors. PriceLEGOs unique position is based on the broad(prenominal) part, durability and pencil eraser of its pro ducts, utilizing a premium branding strategy where a melloweder(prenominal) price is associated, which thereof differentiates LEGO in relation to its competitors within the current market. The Technic products consist of more complex and special elements, therefore the output cost is higher than the modular bricks. Customers are prepared to pay this higher price to get the added benefits of the special invent product of LEGO. However, this higher price (? 60-? 120) alone fits into the LEGO products price range (? 20-? 200). fundament LEGO uses the adjacent channels to allow their products (including LEGO Technic products) to customers (LEGO Annual Report 2007, 2007) distribution two centres in pairing America, two centres in Europe level sale brand stores, mail vow business, online sales (e. g. Amazon) Promotion The LEGO brand is the one-sixth most well known brand in the world (HVG, 2004) and this gives competitive avail against the competitors in the promotion activi ty. LEGO is using to grow the Technic products through advertising during TV children programs (e. g. pip Roader) and through sales promotion (e. g. pecial online offers, Technic Gallery). Increasingly, online reviews written by satisfied customers are used to campaign their products. Other possibility to promote Technic products would be to build one of them in the brand store to demonstrate how it works. sight non barely in the work drive home LEGO maintained a high timbre, but too in the performance of the service for customers. By TECHNIC products is very important that appropriate training for employees is given referable to the complexity of the products. Processes Lego products throw away to satisfy all market standards regardless where they were manufactured. (Regani and George, 2007, p. 6). It also has to deliver high timbre technical support especially such a complex product as Technic and customer service. LEGO customer service was thus awarded the prize fo r outgo Centre for Customer Service in Europe. (LEGO Annual Report 2007, 2007, p. 19). Physical evidence The high quality drudgery of the LEGO product (ISO 14001) guarantees that the Technic toys can be easily assembled undermentioned the technical instructions and there are no missing parts and all elements fit perfectly well together. The assembled toy looks and works exactly as shown on the encase.Personalisation As the smartest element of the marketing mix, privateisation offers a alter version of the brand. This has a direct impact on all other elements relevant to LEGO products. Customers who are unhappy with potentiometer produced products can design their own person TECHNIC product on the internet and secernate this more personalised version online. However, personalised products may imply personalised prices. (Goldsmith, 1999, p181. ). 3. / refreshful product design development It may be easier to develop a personal version of an real product than to develop a wholly unused product. newfangled products come in five versions product improvements, line extensions, brand extensions, new brands, and new-to-the-world innovations. (Peter and Donnelly, 1997, p. 125, cited in Goldsmith, 1999). From the very beginning LEGO shows a high freight to new products innovation. When LEGO created the first non-toxic (ABS) date plastic bricks in six different colours and launched their little yellow minifigure these were new innovations and built a base of their success as LEGO was named Products of the Century by issue magazine.The LEGO elements which check been manufactured since 1958 are fully compatible, therefore LEGO sets can be passed on from one generation to the next. (Regani and George, 2007). As childrens interests changed over the years LEGO had to design new high tech product ranges to keep up with the present technology. The product development takes place primarily at the companys Billund headquarter (internal brainstorming), but the LEGO Group has bases all over the world to monitor the current trends, review of competitors products and also monitor the customers requirements and feedback. LEGO Company Profile, 2007). Innovation and creativity can be expensive and LEGO has hoi pollois of primary limitations of its product design therefore each design option must be evaluated and assessed against a set of design criteria. (FM-A, 2004). The new products have to concur with the existing ones. The new product has to fit to the doing line, because to adjust or create a new production process has a high spare cost. LEGO Groups motto totally the best is strong enough and to fulfil this ambition all products have to comply with the appropriate safety and quality standards.several(prenominal) activities such as quality management, environmental (green) issues, impediment action and testing on mechanical, chemical, electrical properties to ensure the product is easy from hazards. Along with the high tech and a uthorize products LEGO should and indeed must concentrate on the development of its classic product lines (e. g. vicissitude of product line extensions which are fit with the existing ones and wide range of possibilities of packaging (smaller supplementary parts are relatively cheaper for customers than bigger packs, etc. ). 4. / Total quality management for new outsourcing partners It has a lot of elements therefore hard to find the in good order comment of TQM. There are some interpretations which concentrate on different aspects (FM-A, 2004) like betrothal and quality circles (IshiKawa), quality cost, employee participation and motivation (Crosby), internal and external think of customers, fitness for use (Juran) and Six Sigma (see adjunct 4. ). One of the overall definitions of TQM is n effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance and quality improvement efforts of the sundry(a) groups in an organisation so as to enable production and s ervice at the most economical levels which allow full customer satisfaction. (Feigenbaum,1986, cited in FM-A, 2004, p. 380). As definitions are wide and different in the blueprint the TQM is different company by company, however we could find some basic statements. LEGO is a good example of TQM as quality is the core of LEGOs activity. quality is heavily rooted in our fundamental beliefs, or mission statement, or strategy goals, and our values.As a world leader in the field of quality experience, service, and products, we focus on the customers perception of quality. (Regani and George, 2007, p. 6). In reflects of competitiveness and being cost-effective, it was a strategic decision to outsource its large production to Flextronics. However, outsourcing includes risks can the quality and the time-management (JIT) be aware? What are the crucial factors of the LEGOs successful TQM which they should absolutely recommend to their outsourcing partners? give wayicipation commitment a t all levels Both parties have to participate to successful quality management. senior(a) and middle managers Should avoid Should consider autarchy support individualism team build (team spirit) restrict behaviour training Employees Employees involvement improves morale. (FM-A, 2004). We view the implementation of this policy as the shared responsibility of all LEGO employees. (Regani and George, 2007, p. 6). refining Adopt a quality-conscious philosophy as LEGOs motto The best is good enough Organizational culture, LEGO established e. g. a department for Corporate Quality reign over Training Institute training on the job self-improvement to be towering of their jobs. (FM-A, 2004). LEGO implemented a new competency model which defines the eight most important competences for LEGO employees and regularly asking their workers about their trust of the process. Continuous improvement Quality management is the continual examination and improvement of xisting processe s. (FM-A, 2004, p. 382). Not enough to introduce but also need to open the continuous improvement. As LEGO meets the highest quality standards they independently show how mutable the market is. LEGO takes care to stay street smart in the safety requirements (EU CE, ISO). Monitoring (including observeive activities) LEGO quality management aim to prevent defective production (18 out of either million elements are defected) therefore have to assure quality in the production process internally and externally (quality assurance), rather than inspecting goods after they have been produced. FM-A, 2004). Although the high quality production which avoids defaults LEGO carries out regular inspections of production. What can LEGO provide the company they outsourced to with? Documentation A company quality manual may summarise the quality management policy and system. A procedures manual sets out the functions, structures and trustworthy for quality in each department. dilate work instructions and specifications for how work should be carried out show how to achieve the in demand(p) quality standards. Training Integrated blood (training in LEGOs place) Knowledge sacramental manduction train the trainer program (LEGO provide trainers) Monitoring LEGO can delegate large number from its monitoring team. Summary and conclusions Following the seven-year-strategy plan in the last couple of years, LEGOs situation has already stabilized. The further expansion of the operation is possible. LEGO needs to rethink their attraction of the market segments and approach them to identify new market opportunities and niches.By actively using the appropriate elements of marketing mix (not only the classical 4Ps) and thinking about the product design possibilities they should also consider the existing competitive advantages of their product and the cost of capable to the process involved. In case of outsourcing as a cost-saving LEGO needs to support its partners to k eep up the quality as LEGOs core value. REFERENCES Abratt, R. 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The marketing mix Appendix 4. Six Sigma pic Segment prof itability and life cycle disorder Year 1970 1990 1958 2008 LEGO Brick LEGO Technic LEGO Star Wars Substantial brotherly Measurable Stable Actionable anticipate market growth Competitive position Market size Market fit with organisational objectives and resources Personalisation Product Price People Processes Place Physical evidence Promotion The Marketing Plan Defect reduction conk out improvement Customer delight positiveness improvement
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